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A Bundle plugin package is a collection of multiple plugins. It can package multiple plugins into one plugin to achieve batch installation effects while providing more powerful services.
You can package multiple plugins into a Bundle using the Dify CLI tool. Bundle plugin packages offer three types:
type: Stores plugin IDs and version information. During import, specific plugin packages are downloaded through the Dify Marketplace.
type: Stores GitHub repository address, release version number, and asset filename. During import, Dify accesses the corresponding GitHub repository to download plugin packages.
type: Plugin packages are stored directly in the Bundle. It doesn't store reference sources but may cause large Bundle package sizes.
Dify plugin scaffolding tool
Python environment, version ≥ 3.10
For detailed instructions on preparing the plugin development scaffolding tool, please refer to Initializing Development Tools.
In the current path, run the scaffolding command-line tool to create a new plugin package project:
Follow the prompts to configure plugin name, author information, and plugin description. If you're working in a team, you can also enter an organization name as the author.
The name must be 1-128 characters long and can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores.
Fill in the information and hit enter, the Bundle plugin project directory will be created automatically.
Execute the following command:
Where marketplace_pattern is the plugin reference in the marketplace, format: organization-name/plugin-name:version
Execute the following command:
Where repo_pattern is the plugin reference in github, format: organization-name/repository-name:release/attachment-name
Execute the following command:
Where package_path is the plugin package directory.
Run the following command to package the Bundle plugin:
After executing the command, a bundle.difybndl file will be automatically created in the current directory, which is the final packaging result.