
All entities mentioned below are based on Pydantic BaseModel and can be found in the entities module.


  • provider (string) Provider identifier, e.g., openai

  • label (object) Provider display name, i18n, with en_US English and zh_Hans Chinese language settings

    • zh_Hans (string) [optional] Chinese label name, if zh_Hans is not set, en_US will be used by default.

    • en_US (string) English label name

  • description (object) Provider description, i18n

    • zh_Hans (string) [optional] Chinese description

    • en_US (string) English description

  • icon_small (string) [optional] Small provider ICON, stored in the _assets directory under the corresponding provider implementation directory, with the same language strategy as label

    • zh_Hans (string) Chinese ICON

    • en_US (string) English ICON

  • icon_large (string) [optional] Large provider ICON, stored in the _assets directory under the corresponding provider implementation directory, with the same language strategy as label

    • zh_Hans (string) Chinese ICON

    • en_US (string) English ICON

  • background (string) [optional] Background color value, e.g., #FFFFFF, if empty, the default frontend color value will be displayed.

  • help (object) [optional] help information

    • title (object) help title, i18n

      • zh_Hans (string) [optional] Chinese title

      • en_US (string) English title

    • url (object) help link, i18n

      • zh_Hans (string) [optional] Chinese link

      • en_US (string) English link

  • supported_model_types (array[ModelType]) Supported model types

  • configurate_methods (array[ConfigurateMethod]) Configuration methods

  • provider_credential_schema (ProviderCredentialSchema) Provider credential specification

  • model_credential_schema (ModelCredentialSchema) Model credential specification


  • model (string) Model identifier, e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo

  • label (object) [optional] Model display name, i18n, with en_US English and zh_Hans Chinese language settings

    • zh_Hans (string) [optional] Chinese label name

    • en_US (string) English label name

  • model_type (ModelType) Model type

  • features (array[ModelFeature]) [optional] Supported feature list

  • model_properties (object) Model properties

    • mode (LLMMode) Mode (available for model type llm)

    • context_size (int) Context size (available for model types llm, text-embedding)

    • max_chunks (int) Maximum number of chunks (available for model types text-embedding, moderation)

    • file_upload_limit (int) Maximum file upload limit, in MB (available for model type speech2text)

    • supported_file_extensions (string) Supported file extension formats, e.g., mp3, mp4 (available for model type speech2text)

    • default_voice (string) default voice, e.g.:alloy,echo,fable,onyx,nova,shimmer(available for model type tts

    • voices (list) List of available voice.(available for model type tts

      • mode (string) voice model.(available for model type tts

      • name (string) voice model display name.(available for model type tts

      • language (string) the voice model supports languages.(available for model type tts

    • word_limit (int) Single conversion word limit, paragraphwise by default(available for model type tts

    • audio_type (string) Support audio file extension format, e.g.:mp3,wav(available for model type tts

    • max_workers (int) Number of concurrent workers supporting text and audio conversion(available for model typetts

    • max_characters_per_chunk (int) Maximum characters per chunk (available for model type moderation)

  • parameter_rules (array[ParameterRule]) [optional] Model invocation parameter rules

  • pricing (PriceConfig) [optional] Pricing information

  • deprecated (bool) Whether deprecated. If deprecated, the model will no longer be displayed in the list, but those already configured can continue to be used. Default False.


  • llm Text generation model

  • text-embedding Text Embedding model

  • rerank Rerank model

  • speech2text Speech to text

  • tts Text to speech

  • moderation Moderation


  • predefined-model Predefined model

    Indicates that users can use the predefined models under the provider by configuring the unified provider credentials.

  • customizable-model Customizable model

    Users need to add credential configuration for each model.

  • fetch-from-remote Fetch from remote

    Consistent with the predefined-model configuration method, only unified provider credentials need to be configured, and models are obtained from the provider through credential information.


  • agent-thought Agent reasoning, generally over 70B with thought chain capability.

  • vision Vision, i.e., image understanding.

  • tool-call

  • multi-tool-call

  • stream-tool-call


  • predefined-model Predefined model

  • fetch-from-remote Remote model


  • complete Text completion

  • chat Dialogue


  • name (string) Actual model invocation parameter name

  • use_template (string) [optional] Using template

    By default, 5 variable content configuration templates are preset:

    • temperature

    • top_p

    • frequency_penalty

    • presence_penalty

    • max_tokens

    In use_template, you can directly set the template variable name, which will use the default configuration in entities.defaults.PARAMETER_RULE_TEMPLATE No need to set any parameters other than name and use_template. If additional configuration parameters are set, they will override the default configuration. Refer to openai/llm/gpt-3.5-turbo.yaml.

  • label (object) [optional] Label, i18n

    • zh_Hans(string) [optional] Chinese label name

    • en_US (string) English label name

  • type(string) [optional] Parameter type

    • int Integer

    • float Float

    • string String

    • boolean Boolean

  • help (string) [optional] Help information

    • zh_Hans (string) [optional] Chinese help information

    • en_US (string) English help information

  • required (bool) Required, default False.

  • default(int/float/string/bool) [optional] Default value

  • min(int/float) [optional] Minimum value, applicable only to numeric types

  • max(int/float) [optional] Maximum value, applicable only to numeric types

  • precision(int) [optional] Precision, number of decimal places to keep, applicable only to numeric types

  • options (array[string]) [optional] Dropdown option values, applicable only when type is string, if not set or null, option values are not restricted


  • input (float) Input price, i.e., Prompt price

  • output (float) Output price, i.e., returned content price

  • unit (float) Pricing unit, e.g., if the price is meausred in 1M tokens, the corresponding token amount for the unit price is 0.000001.

  • currency (string) Currency unit



  • model (object) Model identifier, variable name defaults to model

    • label (object) Model form item display name

      • en_US (string) English

      • zh_Hans(string) [optional] Chinese

    • placeholder (object) Model prompt content

      • en_US(string) English

      • zh_Hans(string) [optional] Chinese

  • credential_form_schemas (array[CredentialFormSchema]) Credential form standard


  • variable (string) Form item variable name

  • label (object) Form item label name

    • en_US(string) English

    • zh_Hans (string) [optional] Chinese

  • type (FormType) Form item type

  • required (bool) Whether required

  • default(string) Default value

  • options (array[FormOption]) Specific property of form items of type select or radio, defining dropdown content

  • placeholder(object) Specific property of form items of type text-input, placeholder content

    • en_US(string) English

    • zh_Hans (string) [optional] Chinese

  • max_length (int) Specific property of form items of type text-input, defining maximum input length, 0 for no limit.

  • show_on (array[FormShowOnObject]) Displayed when other form item values meet certain conditions, displayed always if empty.


  • text-input Text input component

  • secret-input Password input component

  • select Single-choice dropdown

  • radio Radio component

  • switch Switch component, only supports true and false values


  • label (object) Label

    • en_US(string) English

    • zh_Hans(string) [optional] Chinese

  • value (string) Dropdown option value

  • show_on (array[FormShowOnObject]) Displayed when other form item values meet certain conditions, displayed always if empty.


  • variable (string) Variable name of other form items

  • value (string) Variable value of other form items

Last updated