Conditional Branch IF/ELSE


Allows you to split the workflow into two branches based on if/else conditions.

A conditional branching node has three parts:

  • IF Condition: Select a variable, set the condition, and specify the value that satisfies the condition.

  • IF condition evaluates to True, execute the IF path.

  • IF condition evaluates to False, execute the ELSE path.

Condition Types

  • Contains

  • Not contains

  • Starts with

  • Ends with

  • Is

  • Is not

  • Is empty

  • Is not empty


Taking the above Text Summary Workflow as an example:

  • IF Condition: Select the summarystyle variable from the start node, with the condition Contains technical.

  • IF condition evaluates to True, execute the IF path, querying technical-related knowledge through the Knowledge Retrieval node and then responding via the LLM node (upper part of the diagram).

  • IF condition evaluates to False, i.e., the summarystyle variable input does not contain technical, execute the ELSE path, responding via the LLM2 node (lower part of the diagram).

Multiple Condition Judgments

For complex condition judgments, you can set multiple condition judgments and configure AND or OR between conditions to take the intersection or union of the conditions, respectively.

Last updated