Add New Provider

Provider Configuration Methods

Providers support three configuration models:

Predefined Model

This indicates that users only need to configure unified provider credentials to use the predefined models under the provider.

Customizable Model

Users need to add credentials configuration for each model. For example, Xinference supports both LLM and Text Embedding, but each model has a unique model_uid. If you want to connect both, you need to configure a model_uid for each model.

Fetch from Remote

Similar to the predefined-model configuration method, users only need to configure unified provider credentials, and the models are fetched from the provider using the credential information.

For instance, with OpenAI, we can fine-tune multiple models based on gpt-turbo-3.5, all under the same api_key. When configured as fetch-from-remote, developers only need to configure a unified api_key to allow Dify Runtime to fetch all the developer's fine-tuned models and connect to Dify.

These three configuration methods can coexist, meaning a provider can support predefined-model + customizable-model or predefined-model + fetch-from-remote, etc. This allows using predefined models and models fetched from remote with unified provider credentials, and additional custom models can be used if added.

Configuration Instructions


  • module: A module is a Python Package, or more colloquially, a folder containing an file and other .py files.


Adding a new provider mainly involves several steps. Here is a brief outline to give you an overall understanding. Detailed steps will be introduced below.

  • Create a provider YAML file and write it according to the Provider Schema.

  • Create provider code and implement a class.

  • Create corresponding model type modules under the provider module, such as llm or text_embedding.

  • Create same-named code files under the corresponding model module, such as, and implement a class.

  • If there are predefined models, create same-named YAML files under the model module, such as claude-2.1.yaml, and write them according to the AI Model Entity.

  • Write test code to ensure functionality is available.

Let's Get Started

To add a new provider, first determine the provider's English identifier, such as anthropic, and create a module named after it in model_providers.

Under this module, we need to prepare the provider's YAML configuration first.

Preparing Provider YAML

Taking Anthropic as an example, preset the basic information of the provider, supported model types, configuration methods, and credential rules.

provider: anthropic  # Provider identifier
label:  # Provider display name, can be set in en_US English and zh_Hans Chinese. If zh_Hans is not set, en_US will be used by default.
  en_US: Anthropic
icon_small:  # Small icon of the provider, stored in the _assets directory under the corresponding provider implementation directory, same language strategy as label
  en_US: icon_s_en.png
icon_large:  # Large icon of the provider, stored in the _assets directory under the corresponding provider implementation directory, same language strategy as label
  en_US: icon_l_en.png
supported_model_types:  # Supported model types, Anthropic only supports LLM
- llm
configurate_methods:  # Supported configuration methods, Anthropic only supports predefined models
- predefined-model
provider_credential_schema:  # Provider credential rules, since Anthropic only supports predefined models, unified provider credential rules need to be defined
  credential_form_schemas:  # Credential form item list
  - variable: anthropic_api_key  # Credential parameter variable name
    label:  # Display name
      en_US: API Key
    type: secret-input  # Form type, secret-input here represents an encrypted information input box, only displaying masked information when editing.
    required: true  # Whether it is required
    placeholder:  # PlaceHolder information
      zh_Hans: 在此输入你的 API Key
      en_US: Enter your API Key
  - variable: anthropic_api_url
      en_US: API URL
    type: text-input  # Form type, text-input here represents a text input box
    required: false
      zh_Hans: 在此输入你的 API URL
      en_US: Enter your API URL

If the connected provider offers customizable models, such as OpenAI which provides fine-tuned models, we need to add model_credential_schema. Taking OpenAI as an example:

  model: # Fine-tuned model name
      en_US: Model Name
      zh_Hans: 模型名称
      en_US: Enter your model name
      zh_Hans: 输入模型名称
  - variable: openai_api_key
      en_US: API Key
    type: secret-input
    required: true
      zh_Hans: 在此输入你的 API Key
      en_US: Enter your API Key
  - variable: openai_organization
        zh_Hans: 组织 ID
        en_US: Organization
    type: text-input
    required: false
      zh_Hans: 在此输入你的组织 ID
      en_US: Enter your Organization ID
  - variable: openai_api_base
      zh_Hans: API Base
      en_US: API Base
    type: text-input
    required: false
      zh_Hans: 在此输入你的 API Base
      en_US: Enter your API Base

You can also refer to the YAML configuration information in the directories of other providers under the model_providers directory.

Implement Provider Code

We need to create a Python file with the same name under model_providers, such as, and implement a class that inherits from the __base.provider.Provider base class, such as AnthropicProvider.

Custom Model Providers

For providers like Xinference that offer custom models, this step can be skipped. Just create an empty XinferenceProvider class and implement an empty validate_provider_credentials method. This method will not actually be used and is only to avoid abstract class instantiation errors.

class XinferenceProvider(Provider):
    def validate_provider_credentials(self, credentials: dict) -> None:

Predefined Model Providers

Providers need to inherit from the __base.model_provider.ModelProvider base class and implement the validate_provider_credentials method to validate the provider's unified credentials. You can refer to AnthropicProvider.

def validate_provider_credentials(self, credentials: dict) -> None:
    Validate provider credentials
    You can choose any validate_credentials method of model type or implement validate method by yourself,
    such as: get model list api

    if validate failed, raise exception

    :param credentials: provider credentials, credentials form defined in `provider_credential_schema`.

You can also reserve the validate_provider_credentials implementation first and directly reuse it after implementing the model credential validation method.

Adding Models

Adding Predefined Models👈🏻

For predefined models, we can connect them by simply defining a YAML file and implementing the calling code.

Adding Custom Models 👈🏻

For custom models, we only need to implement the calling code to connect them, but the parameters they handle may be more complex.


To ensure the availability of the connected provider/model, each method written needs to have corresponding integration test code written in the tests directory.

Taking Anthropic as an example.

Before writing test code, you need to add the credential environment variables required for testing the provider in .env.example, such as: ANTHROPIC_API_KEY.

Before executing, copy .env.example to .env and then execute.

Writing Test Code

Create a module with the same name as the provider under the tests directory: anthropic, and continue to create and corresponding model type test py files in this module, as shown below:

├── anthropic
│   ├──
│   ├──       # LLM Test
│   └──  # Provider Test

Write test code for various situations of the implemented code above, and after passing the tests, submit the code.

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