
Tool author @SearchApi.

SearchApi is a powerful real-time SERP API that provides structured data from a collection of search engines including Google Search, Google Jobs, YouTube, Google News, and more. Here are the steps to configure and use the SearchApi search tool in Dify.

1. Apply for Search API Key

Please apply for an API Key at SearchApi.

2. Fill in the configuration in Dify

In the Dify navigation page, click on Tools > SearchApi > Go to authorize to fill in the API Key.

3. Using the tool

You can use the SearchApi tool in the following application types.

  • Chatflow / Workflow applications

Both Chatflow and Workflow applications support adding SearchApi series tool nodes, providing four tools: Google Jobs API, Google News API, Google Search API, and YouTube Scraper API.

  • Agent applications

Select the SearchApi tool you need to add in the Agent application, then enter commands to call the tool.

Last updated