Contributing to Dify Documentation

Dify documentation is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions. Whether you've spotted an issue while reading the docs or you're keen to contribute your own content, we encourage you to submit an issue or initiate a pull request on GitHub. We'll address your input promptly.

How to Contribute

We categorize documentation issues into two main types:

  • Content Corrections (Typos / Inaccuracies)

  • Content Additions (New documentation)

Content Errors

If you encounter errors while reading a document or wish to suggest modifications, please use the "Edit on GitHub" button located in the table of contents on the right side of the document page. Utilize GitHub's built-in online editor to make your changes, then submit a pull request with a concise description of your edits. Please format your pull request title as Fix: Update xxx. We'll review your submission and merge the changes if everything looks good.

Alternatively, you can post the document link on our Issues page with a brief description of the necessary modifications. We'll address these promptly upon receipt.

Content Additions

To contribute new documentation to our repository, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository

Fork the repository to your GitHub account, then clone the repository to your local:

git clone<your-github-account>/dify-docs.git

Note: You can also use GitHub's online code editor to submit new Markdown files directly in the appropriate directory.

  1. Locate the relevant document directory and add your file

For instance, if you're contributing documentation for third-party tools, please add new .md files to the /guides/tools/tool-configuration/ directory.

  1. Submit a pull request

When submitting a pull request, please use the format Docs: Add xxx for the title and provide a brief description in the comment field. We'll review your submission and merge the changes if everything is in order.

Getting Help

If you ever get stuck or got a burning question while contributing, simply shoot your queries our way via the related GitHub issue, or hop onto our Discord for a quick chat.

We appreciate your efforts in improving Dify's documentation!

Last updated