
Tool developed by @zhuhao.

AlphaVantage is a comprehensive online platform offering financial market data and APIs, enabling individual investors and developers to easily access stock quotes, technical indicators, and in-depth stock analysis. Dify has integrated the AlphaVantage tool, and the following are the steps to configure and use the AlphaVantage tool in Dify.

1. Obtaining an AlphaVantage API Key

To get started, acquire an API Key from AlphaVantage.

2. Configuring AlphaVantage in Dify

Navigate to the Dify dashboard and select Tools > AlphaVantage > To Authorize to input your API Key.

3. Implementing the Tool

  • In Chatflow / Workflow Applications

Both Chatflow and Workflow applications support the integration of the AlphaVantage block. After adding a node, utilize variables to reference the user's input query in the "Input Variables → Stock Code" field. In the "End" node, use variables to reference the output from the AlphaVantage block.

  • In Agent Applications

Incorporate the AlphaVantage tool into your Agent application. Users can then input stock codes or general stock descriptions in the chat interface to trigger the tool and retrieve precise financial data.

Last updated