

Execute multiple steps on an array until all results are output.

The iteration step performs the same steps on each item in a list. To use iteration, ensure that the input value is formatted as a list object. The iteration node allows AI workflows to handle more complex processing logic. It is a user-friendly version of the loop node, making some compromises in customization to allow non-technical users to quickly get started.


Example 1: Long Article Iteration Generator

Long Story Generator
  1. Enter the story title and outline in the Start Node.

  2. Use a Generate Subtitles and Outlines Node to use LLM to generate the complete content from user input.

  3. Use a Extract Subtitles and Outlines Node to convert the complete content into an array format.

  4. Use an Iteration Node to wrap an LLM Node and generate content for each chapter through multiple iterations.

  5. Add a Direct Answer Node inside the iteration node to achieve streaming output after each iteration.

Detailed Configuration Steps

  1. Configure the story title (title) and outline (outline) in the Start Node.

Start Node Configuration
  1. Use a Generate Subtitles and Outlines Node to convert the story title and outline into complete text.

Template Node
  1. Use a Extract Subtitles and Outlines Node to convert the story text into an array (Array) structure. The parameter to extract is sections, and the parameter type is Array[Object].

Parameter Extraction

The effectiveness of parameter extraction is influenced by the model's inference capability and the instructions given. Using a model with stronger inference capabilities and adding examples in the instructions can improve the parameter extraction results.

  1. Use the array-formatted story outline as the input for the iteration node and process it within the iteration node using an LLM Node.

Configure Iteration Node

Configure the input variables GenerateOverallOutline/output and Iteration/item in the LLM Node.

Configure LLM Node

Built-in variables for iteration: items[object] and index[number].

items[object] represents the input item for each iteration;

index[number] represents the current iteration round;

  1. Configure a Direct Reply Node inside the iteration node to achieve streaming output after each iteration.

Configure Answer Node
  1. Complete debugging and preview.

Generate by Iterating Through Story Chapters

Example 2: Long Article Iteration Generator (Another Arrangement)

  • Enter the story title and outline in the Start Node.

  • Use an LLM Node to generate subheadings and corresponding content for the article.

  • Use a Code Node to convert the complete content into an array format.

  • Use an Iteration Node to wrap an LLM Node and generate content for each chapter through multiple iterations.

  • Use a Template Conversion Node to convert the string array output from the iteration node back to a string.

  • Finally, add a Direct Reply Node to directly output the converted string.

What is Array Content

A list is a specific data type where elements are separated by commas and enclosed in [ and ]. For example:




["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday"]

JSON Object:

        "name": "Alice",
        "age": 30,
        "email": ""
        "name": "Bob",
        "age": 25,
        "email": ""
        "name": "Charlie",
        "age": 35,
        "email": ""

Nodes Supporting Array Return

  • Code Node

  • Parameter Extraction

  • Knowledge Base Retrieval

  • Iteration

  • Tools

  • HTTP Request

How to Obtain Array-Formatted Content

Return Using the CODE Node

Parameter Extraction

Return Using the Parameter Extraction Node

Parameter Extraction

How to Convert an Array to Text

The output variable of the iteration node is in array format and cannot be directly output. You can use a simple step to convert the array back to text.

Convert Using a Code Node

Code Node Conversion

CODE Example:

def main(articleSections: list):
    data = articleSections
    return {
        "result": "/n".join(data)

Convert Using a Template Node

Template Node Conversion

CODE Example:

{{ articleSections | join("/n") }}

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