Environment Variables Explanation

Common Variables


The backend URL of the console API, used to concatenate the authorization callback. If empty, it is the same domain. Example: https://api.console.dify.ai


The front-end URL of the console web, used to concatenate some front-end addresses and for CORS configuration use. If empty, it is the same domain. Example: https://console.dify.ai


Service API Url, used to display Service API Base Url to the front-end. If empty, it is the same domain. Example: https://api.dify.ai


WebApp API backend Url, used to declare the back-end URL for the front-end API. If empty, it is the same domain. Example: https://app.dify.ai


WebApp Url, used to display WebAPP API Base Url to the front-end. If empty, it is the same domain. Example: https://api.app.dify.ai


File preview or download URL prefix, used to display the file preview or download URL to the front-end or as a multi-modal model input; In order to prevent others from forging, the image preview URL is signed and has a 5-minute expiration time.



Startup mode, only available when starting with docker, not effective when starting from source code.

  • api

    Start API Server.

  • worker

    Start asynchronous queue worker.


Debug mode, default is false. It is recommended to turn on this configuration for local development to prevent some problems caused by monkey patch.


Flask debug mode, it can output trace information at the interface when turned on, which is convenient for debugging.


A key used to securely sign session cookies and encrypt sensitive information in the database.

This variable needs to be set when starting for the first time.

You can use openssl rand -base64 42 to generate a strong key.


Deployment environment.

  • PRODUCTION (default)

    Production environment.


    Testing environment. There will be a distinct color label on the front-end page, indicating that this environment is a testing environment.


Log output level, default is INFO.

It is recommended to set it to ERROR for production.


When set to true, the database migration will be automatically executed when the container starts, only available when starting with docker, not effective when starting from source code.

You need to manually execute flask db upgrade in the api directory when starting from source code.


Whether to enable the version check policy. If set to false, https://updates.dify.ai will not be called for version check.

Since the version interface based on CloudFlare Worker cannot be directly accessed in China at present, setting this variable to empty can shield this interface call.


Used to change the OpenAI base address, default is https://api.openai.com/v1.

When OpenAI cannot be accessed in China, replace it with a domestic mirror address, or when a local model provides OpenAI compatible API, it can be replaced.

Only effective when starting with docker image or docker-compose.


    API service binding address, default:, i.e., all addresses can be accessed.


    API service binding port number, default 5001.


    The number of API server workers, i.e., the number of gevent workers. Formula: number of cpu cores x 2 + 1

    Reference: https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/design.html#how-many-workers


    Defaults to gevent. If using windows, it can be switched to sync or solo.


    Request handling timeout. The default is 200, it is recommended to set it to 360 to support a longer sse connection time.


    Similar to SERVER_WORKER_CLASS. Default is gevent. If using windows, it can be switched to sync or solo.


    The number of Celery workers. The default is 1, and can be set as needed.

Database Configuration

The database uses PostgreSQL. Please use the public schema.

  • DB_USERNAME: username

  • DB_PASSWORD: password

  • DB_HOST: database host

  • DB_PORT: database port number, default is 5432

  • DB_DATABASE: database name

  • SQLALCHEMY_POOL_SIZE: The size of the database connection pool. The default is 30 connections, which can be appropriately increased.

  • SQLALCHEMY_POOL_RECYCLE: Database connection pool recycling time, the default is 3600 seconds.

  • SQLALCHEMY_ECHO: Whether to print SQL, default is false.

Redis Configuration

This Redis configuration is used for caching and for pub/sub during conversation.

  • REDIS_HOST: Redis host

  • REDIS_PORT: Redis port, default is 6379

  • REDIS_DB: Redis Database, default is 0. Please use a different Database from Session Redis and Celery Broker.

  • REDIS_USERNAME: Redis username, default is empty

  • REDIS_PASSWORD: Redis password, default is empty. It is strongly recommended to set a password.

  • REDIS_USE_SSL: Whether to use SSL protocol for connection, default is false

Celery Configuration


    Format as follows:


    Example: redis://:difyai123456@redis:6379/1


    If set to true, use SSL protocol for connection, default is false

CORS Configuration

Used to set the front-end cross-domain access policy.


    Console CORS cross-domain policy, default is *, that is, all domains can access.


    WebAPP CORS cross-domain policy, default is *, that is, all domains can access.

File Storage Configuration

Used to store uploaded data set files, team/tenant encryption keys, and other files.


    Type of storage facility

    • local (default)

      Local file storage, if this option is selected, the following STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH configuration needs to be set.

    • s3

      S3 object storage, if this option is selected, the following S3_ prefixed configurations need to be set.

    • azure-blob

      Azure Blob object storage, if this option is selected, the following AZURE_BLOB_ prefixed configurations need to be set.


    Default is storage, that is, it is stored in the storage directory of the current directory.

    If you are deploying with docker or docker-compose, be sure to mount the /app/api/storage directory in both containers to the same local directory, otherwise, you may encounter file not found errors.

  • S3_ENDPOINT: S3 endpoint address

  • S3_BUCKET_NAME: S3 bucket name

  • S3_ACCESS_KEY: S3 Access Key

  • S3_SECRET_KEY: S3 Secret Key

  • S3_REGION: S3 region information, such as: us-east-1

  • AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME: your-account-name eg, 'difyai'

  • AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY: your-account-key eg, 'difyai'

  • AZURE_BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME: your-container-name eg, 'difyai-container'

  • AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT_URL: 'https://<your_account_name>.blob.core.windows.net'

Vector Database Configuration


    • Available enumeration types include:

      • weaviate

      • qdrant

      • milvus

      • zilliz (share the same configuration as milvus)

      • myscale

      • pinecone (not yet open)


    Weaviate endpoint address, such as: http://weaviate:8080.


    The api-key credential used to connect to Weaviate.


    The number of index Objects created in batches in Weaviate, default is 100.

    Refer to this document: https://weaviate.io/developers/weaviate/manage-data/import#how-to-set-batch-parameters


    Whether to use the gRPC method to interact with Weaviate, performance will greatly increase when enabled, may not be usable locally, default is true.


    Qdrant endpoint address, such as: https://your-qdrant-cluster-url.qdrant.tech/


    The api-key credential used to connect to Qdrant.


    The api-key credential used to connect to Pinecone.


    The environment where Pinecone is located, such as: us-east4-gcp


    Milvus host configuration.


    Milvus port configuration.


    Milvus user configuration, default is empty.


    Milvus password configuration, default is empty.


    Whether Milvus uses SSL connection, default is false.


    MyScale host configuration.


    MyScale port configuration.


    MyScale user configuration, default is default.


    MyScale password configuration, default is empty.


    MyScale database configuration, default is default.


    MyScale text-search params, check MyScale docs for multi-language support, default is empty.

Knowledge Configuration


    Upload file size limit, default 15M.


    The maximum number of files that can be uploaded at a time, default 5.


    Available enumeration types include:

    • dify

      Dify's proprietary file extraction scheme

    • Unstructured

      Unstructured.io file extraction scheme


    Unstructured API path, needs to be configured when ETL_TYPE is Unstructured.

    For example: http://unstructured:8000/general/v0/general

Multi-modal Configuration


    The format of the image sent when the multi-modal model is input, the default is base64, optional url. The delay of the call in url mode will be lower than that in base64 mode. It is generally recommended to use the more compatible base64 mode. If configured as url, you need to configure FILES_URL as an externally accessible address so that the multi-modal model can access the image.


    Upload image file size limit, default 10M.

Sentry Configuration

Used for application monitoring and error log tracking.


    Sentry DSN address, default is empty, when empty, all monitoring information is not reported to Sentry.


    The reporting ratio of Sentry events, if it is 0.01, it is 1%.


    The reporting ratio of Sentry profiles, if it is 0.01, it is 1%.

Notion Integration Configuration

Notion integration configuration variables can be obtained by applying for Notion integration: https://www.notion.so/my-integrations

  • NOTION_INTEGRATION_TYPE: Configure as "public" or "internal". Since Notion's OAuth redirect URL only supports HTTPS, if deploying locally, please use Notion's internal integration.

  • NOTION_CLIENT_SECRET: Notion OAuth client secret (used for public integration type)

  • NOTION_CLIENT_ID: OAuth client ID (used for public integration type)

  • NOTION_INTERNAL_SECRET: Notion internal integration secret. If the value of NOTION_INTEGRATION_TYPE is "internal", you need to configure this variable.


    • resend

      • MAIL_DEFAULT_SEND_FROM The sender's email name, such as: no-reply no-reply@dify.ai, not mandatory.

      • RESEND_API_KEY API-Key for the Resend email provider, can be obtained from API-Key.

    • smtp

      • SMTP_SERVER SMTP server address

      • SMTP_PORT SMTP server port number

      • SMTP_USERNAME SMTP username

      • SMTP_PASSWORD SMTP password

      • SMTP_USE_TLS Whether to use TLS, default is false

      • MAIL_DEFAULT_SEND_FROM The sender's email name, such as: no-reply no-reply@dify.ai, not mandatory.


  • INVITE_EXPIRY_HOURS: Member invitation link valid time (hours), Default: 72.

Web Frontend


Sentry DSN address, default is empty, when empty, all monitoring information is not reported to Sentry.



⚠️ Modified in 0.3.8, will be deprecated in 0.4.9, replaced by: CONSOLE_API_URL and CONSOLE_WEB_URL.

Console URL, used to concatenate the authorization callback, console front-end address, and CORS configuration use. If empty, it is the same domain. Example: https://console.dify.ai.


⚠️ Modified in 0.3.8, will be deprecated in 0.4.9, replaced by SERVICE_API_URL.

API URL, used to display Service API Base URL to the front-end. If empty, it is the same domain. Example: https://api.dify.ai


⚠️ Modified in 0.3.8, will be deprecated in 0.4.9, replaced by APP_API_URL and APP_WEB_URL.

WebApp Url, used to display WebAPP API Base Url to the front-end. If empty, it is the same domain. Example: https://api.app.dify.ai

Session Configuration

⚠️ This configuration is no longer valid since v0.3.24.

Only used by the API service for interface identity verification.


    Session component type

    • redis (default)

      If you choose this, you need to set the environment variables starting with SESSION_REDIS_ below.

    • sqlalchemy

      If you choose this, the current database connection will be used and the sessions table will be used to read and write session records.

  • SESSION_REDIS_HOST: Redis host

  • SESSION_REDIS_PORT: Redis port, default is 6379

  • SESSION_REDIS_DB: Redis Database, default is 0. Please use a different Database from Redis and Celery Broker.

  • SESSION_REDIS_USERNAME: Redis username, default is empty

  • SESSION_REDIS_PASSWORD: Redis password, default is empty. It is strongly recommended to set a password.

  • SESSION_REDIS_USE_SSL: Whether to use SSL protocol for connection, default is false

⚠️ This configuration is no longer valid since v0.3.24.

Used to set the browser policy for session cookies used for identity verification.


    Cookie HttpOnly configuration, default is true.


    Cookie SameSite configuration, default is Lax.


    Cookie Secure configuration, default is false.

Last updated