



def validate_provider_credentials(self, credentials: dict) -> None:
    Validate provider credentials
    You can choose any validate_credentials method of model type or implement validate method by yourself,
    such as: get model list api

    if validate failed, raise exception

    :param credentials: provider credentials, credentials form defined in `provider_credential_schema`.
  • credentials (object) 資格情報

    資格情報のパラメータは、サプライヤーのYAML構成ファイルの provider_credential_schema で定義され、api_keyなどが渡されます。



class XinferenceProvider(Provider):
    def validate_provider_credentials(self, credentials: dict) -> None:





  • モデルの資格情報を検証する


    def validate_credentials(self, model: str, credentials: dict) -> None:
        Validate model credentials
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials


    • model (string) モデル名

    • credentials (object) 資格情報

      資格情報のパラメータは、供給業者の YAML 構成ファイルの provider_credential_schema または model_credential_schema で定義されており、api_key などの詳細が含まれます。

    検証に失敗した場合は、errors.validate.CredentialsValidateFailedError エラーをスローします。

  • 例外エラーマッピングの呼び出し

    モデルの呼び出しが例外をスローした場合、Runtimeが指定する InvokeError タイプにマッピングする必要があり、異なるエラーに対して異なる後続処理を行うためのDifyにとって便利です。

    Runtime Errors:

    • InvokeConnectionError コール接続エラー

    • InvokeServerUnavailableError コールサービスが利用できない

    • InvokeRateLimitError コールが制限に達した

    • InvokeAuthorizationError コール認証エラー

    • InvokeBadRequestError コールパラメータが誤っています

    def _invoke_error_mapping(self) -> dict[type[InvokeError], list[type[Exception]]]:
        Map model invoke error to unified error
        The key is the error type thrown to the caller
        The value is the error type thrown by the model,
        which needs to be converted into a unified error type for the caller.
        :return: Invoke error mapping

    または、対応するエラーを直接スローし、以下のように定義することもできます。これにより、後続の呼び出しで InvokeConnectionError などの例外を直接スローできます。

    def _invoke_error_mapping(self) -> dict[type[InvokeError], list[type[Exception]]]:
        return {
            InvokeConnectionError: [
            InvokeServerUnavailableError: [
            InvokeRateLimitError: [
            InvokeAuthorizationError: [
            InvokeBadRequestError: [

​ OpenAIの _invoke_error_mapping をご参照ください。


__base.large_language_model.LargeLanguageModel 基本クラスを継承し、以下のインターフェースを実装します:

  • LLMの呼び出し


    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage], model_parameters: dict,
                tools: Optional[list[PromptMessageTool]] = None, stop: Optional[list[str]] = None,
                stream: bool = True, user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> Union[LLMResult, Generator]:
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param prompt_messages: prompt messages
        :param model_parameters: model parameters
        :param tools: tools for tool calling
        :param stop: stop words
        :param stream: is stream response
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: full response or stream response chunk generator result
    • パラメータ:

      • model (string) モデル名

      • credentials (object) 資格情報

        資格情報のパラメータは、供給業者の YAML 構成ファイルの provider_credential_schema または model_credential_schema で定義されており、api_key などの詳細が含まれます。

      • prompt_messages (array[PromptMessage]) Prompt リスト

        モデルのタイプが Completion の場合、リストには1つのUserPromptMessage 要素のみを渡す必要があります;

        モデルのタイプが Chat の場合、SystemPromptMessage, UserPromptMessage, AssistantPromptMessage, ToolPromptMessage 要素のリストをメッセージに応じて渡す必要があります。

      • model_parameters (object) モデルのパラメータ


      • tools (array[PromptMessageTool]) [optional] ツールのリスト,function calling 内の function に相当します。

        つまり、tool calling のためのツールリストを指定します。

      • stop (array[string]) [optional] ストップシーケンス


      • stream (bool) ストリーム出力の有無、デフォルトはTrue

        ストリーム出力の場合は Generator[LLMResultChunk],出力ではないの場合は LLMResult

      • user (string) [optional] ユーザーの一意の識別子


    • 返り値

      ストリーム出力の場合は Generator[LLMResultChunk],出力ではないの場合は LLMResult

  • 入力tokenの事前計算


    def get_num_tokens(self, model: str, credentials: dict, prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage],
                       tools: Optional[list[PromptMessageTool]] = None) -> int:
        Get number of tokens for given prompt messages
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param prompt_messages: prompt messages
        :param tools: tools for tool calling

    パラメータの説明は上記の LLMの呼び出し を参照してください。

    このインターフェースは、対応するmodelに基づいて適切なtokenizerを選択して計算する必要があります。対応するモデルがtokenizerを提供していない場合は、AIModelベースクラスの_get_num_tokens_by_gpt2(text: str)メソッドを使用して計算できます。

  • カスタムモデルスキーマの取得 [オプション]

    def get_customizable_model_schema(self, model: str, credentials: dict) -> Optional[AIModelEntity]:
        Get customizable model schema
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :return: model schema





  • Embeddingの呼び出し

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                texts: list[str], user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> TextEmbeddingResult:
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param texts: texts to embed
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: embeddings result
    • パラメータ:

      • model (string) モデル名

      • credentials (object) 資格情報

        資格情報のパラメータは、供給業者の YAML 構成ファイルの provider_credential_schema または model_credential_schema で定義されており、api_key などの詳細が含まれます。

      • texts (array[string]) テキストリスト,バッチで処理できる

      • user (string) [optional] ユーザーの一意の識別子


    • 返り値:

      TextEmbeddingResult エンティティ。

  • tokensの事前計算

    def get_num_tokens(self, model: str, credentials: dict, texts: list[str]) -> int:
        Get number of tokens for given prompt messages
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param texts: texts to embed

    パラメータの説明は上記の Embeddingの呼び出し を参照してください。

    上記のLargeLanguageModelと同様に、このインターフェースは、対応するmodelに基づいて適切なtokenizerを選択して計算する必要があります。対応するモデルがtokenizerを提供していない場合は、AIModelベースクラスの_get_num_tokens_by_gpt2(text: str)メソッドを使用して計算できます。



  • rerankの呼び出し

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                query: str, docs: list[str], score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, top_n: Optional[int] = None,
                user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> RerankResult:
        Invoke rerank model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param query: search query
        :param docs: docs for reranking
        :param score_threshold: score threshold
        :param top_n: top n
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: rerank result
    • パラメータ:

      • model (string) モデル名

      • credentials (object) 資格情報

        資格情報のパラメータは、供給業者の YAML 構成ファイルの provider_credential_schema または model_credential_schema で定義されており、api_key などの詳細が含まれます。

      • query (string) リクエスト内容をチェックする

      • docs (array[string]) 並べ替えが必要なセクションリスト

      • score_threshold (float) [optional] Scoreの閾値

      • top_n (int) [optional] トップのnセクションを取得します

      • user (string) [optional] ユーザーの一意の識別子


    • 返り値:

      RerankResult エンティティ。



  • Invokeの呼び出し

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                file: IO[bytes], user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> str:
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param file: audio file
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: text for given audio file
    • パラメータ:

      • model (string) モデル名

      • credentials (object) 資格情報

        資格情報のパラメータは、供給業者の YAML 構成ファイルの provider_credential_schema または model_credential_schema で定義されており、api_key などの詳細が含まれます。

      • file (File) ファイルストリーム

      • user (string) [optional] ユーザーの一意の識別子


    • 返り値:




  • Invokeの呼び出し

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict, content_text: str, streaming: bool, user: Optional[str] = None):
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param content_text: text content to be translated
        :param streaming: output is streaming
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: translated audio file
    • パラメータ:

      • model (string) モデル名

      • credentials (object) 資格情報

        資格情報のパラメータは、供給業者の YAML 構成ファイルの provider_credential_schema または model_credential_schema で定義されており、api_key などの詳細が含まれます。

      • content_text (string) 変換すべきテキストコンテンツ

      • streaming (bool) ストリーミング出力かどうか

      • user (string) [optional] ユーザーの一意の識別子


    • 返り値:




  • Invokeの呼び出し

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                text: str, user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> bool:
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param text: text to moderate
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: false if text is safe, true otherwise
    • パラメータ:

      • model (string) モデル名

      • credentials (object) 資格情報

        資格情報のパラメータは、供給業者の YAML 構成ファイルの provider_credential_schema または model_credential_schema で定義されており、api_key などの詳細が含まれます。

      • text (string) テキスト内容

      • user (string) [optional] ユーザーの一意の識別子


    • 返り値:

      False の場合は入力したテキストは安全であり、True の場合はその逆。




class PromptMessageRole(Enum):
    Enum class for prompt message.
    SYSTEM = "system"
    USER = "user"
    ASSISTANT = "assistant"
    TOOL = "tool"



class PromptMessageContentType(Enum):
    Enum class for prompt message content type.
    TEXT = 'text'
    IMAGE = 'image'



class PromptMessageContent(BaseModel):
    Model class for prompt message content.
    type: PromptMessageContentType
    data: str  # コンテンツデータ


テキストと画像を同時に渡す場合は、TextPromptMessageContentImagePromptMessageContent をそれぞれ初期化する必要がある。


class TextPromptMessageContent(PromptMessageContent):
    Model class for text prompt message content.
    type: PromptMessageContentType = PromptMessageContentType.TEXT

画像とテキストを一緒に渡す場合、テキストは content リストの一部としてこのエンティティを構築する必要がある。


class ImagePromptMessageContent(PromptMessageContent):
    Model class for image prompt message content.
    class DETAIL(Enum):
        LOW = 'low'
        HIGH = 'high'

    type: PromptMessageContentType = PromptMessageContentType.IMAGE
    detail: DETAIL = DETAIL.LOW  # 解像度

画像とテキストを一緒に渡す場合、画像は content リストの一部としてこのエンティティを構築する必要がある。

data には url または画像の base64 でエンコードされた文字列を指定することができる。



class PromptMessage(ABC, BaseModel):
    Model class for prompt message.
    role: PromptMessageRole  # メッセージロール
    content: Optional[str | list[PromptMessageContent]] = None  # 2つのタイプ、文字列とコンテンツリストをサポート。コンテンツリストはマルチモーダルのニーズを満たすために使用されます。PromptMessageContentの説明を参照してください。
    name: Optional[str] = None  # 名前、オプション


UserMessage ユーザーメッセージを表すクラス。

class UserPromptMessage(PromptMessage):
    Model class for user prompt message.
    role: PromptMessageRole = PromptMessageRole.USER


モデルの返信メッセージを表し、通常は few-shots やチャット履歴が入力として使用されます。

class AssistantPromptMessage(PromptMessage):
    Model class for assistant prompt message.
    class ToolCall(BaseModel):
        Model class for assistant prompt message tool call.
        class ToolCallFunction(BaseModel):
            Model class for assistant prompt message tool call function.
            name: str  # ツール名
            arguments: str  # ツールパラメータ

        id: str  # ツールID。OpenAI tool callの場合のみ有効で、ツール呼び出しのユニークIDです。同じツールを複数回呼び出すことができます。
        type: str  # デフォルト function
        function: ToolCallFunction  # ツール呼び出し情報

    role: PromptMessageRole = PromptMessageRole.ASSISTANT
    tool_calls: list[ToolCall] = []  # モデルの返信としてのツール呼び出し結果(`tools`を渡した場合のみ、モデルがツール呼び出しが必要と判断した場合に返されます)

tool_calls は、モデルに tools を渡した後、モデルが返す tool call のリストです。



class SystemPromptMessage(PromptMessage):
    Model class for system prompt message.
    role: PromptMessageRole = PromptMessageRole.SYSTEM



class ToolPromptMessage(PromptMessage):
    Model class for tool prompt message.
    role: PromptMessageRole = PromptMessageRole.TOOL
    tool_call_id: str  # ツール呼び出しID。OpenAI tool callをサポートしない場合、ツール名を渡すこともできます。

基类的 content 传入工具执行结果。


class PromptMessageTool(BaseModel):
    Model class for prompt message tool.
    name: str  # ツール名
    description: str  # ツールの説明
    parameters: dict  # ツールパラメータ dict


class LLMResult(BaseModel):
    Model class for llm result.
    model: str  # 使用された実際のモデル
    prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage]  # プロンプトメッセージのリスト
    message: AssistantPromptMessage  # 返信メッセージ
    usage: LLMUsage  # 使用したtokenとコスト情報
    system_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None  # リクエスト指紋。OpenAIのこのパラメータの定義を参照。


ストリーム化された各イテレーション内の delta エンティティ。

class LLMResultChunkDelta(BaseModel):
    Model class for llm result chunk delta.
    index: int  # インデックス
    message: AssistantPromptMessage  # 返信メッセージ
    usage: Optional[LLMUsage] = None  # 使用したトークンとコスト情報(最後の1つのみ)
    finish_reason: Optional[str] = None  # 終了理由(最後の1つのみ)



class LLMResultChunk(BaseModel):
    Model class for llm result chunk.
    model: str  # 実際に使用したモデル
    prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage]  # プロンプトメッセージのリスト
    system_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None  # リクエスト指紋。OpenAIのこのパラメータの定義を参照。
    delta: LLMResultChunkDelta  # 各イテレーションの変更が存在する内容


class LLMUsage(ModelUsage):
    Model class for llm usage.
    prompt_tokens: int  # プロンプトで使用したトークン数
    prompt_unit_price: Decimal  # プロンプトの単価
    prompt_price_unit: Decimal  # プロンプト料金の単位(単価が基づいているトークンの量)
    prompt_price: Decimal  # プロンプトの料金
    completion_tokens: int  # 返答で使用したトークン数
    completion_unit_price: Decimal  # 返答の単価
    completion_price_unit: Decimal  # 返答料金の単位(単価が基づいているトークンの量)
    completion_price: Decimal  # 返答の料金
    total_tokens: int  # 総使用トークン数
    total_price: Decimal  # 総料金
    currency: str  # 通貨単位
    latency: float  # リクエスト処理時間(秒)


class TextEmbeddingResult(BaseModel):
    Model class for text embedding result.
    model: str  # 実際に使用したモデル
    embeddings: list[list[float]]  # テキストリストに対応するembeddingベクトルのリスト
    usage: EmbeddingUsage  # 使用した情報


class EmbeddingUsage(ModelUsage):
    Model class for embedding usage.
    tokens: int  # 使用した token 数
    total_tokens: int  # 総使用 token 数
    unit_price: Decimal  # 単価
    price_unit: Decimal  # 価格の単位(単価が基づいているトークンの量)
    total_price: Decimal  # 総料金
    currency: str  # 通貨単位
    latency: float  # リクエスト処理時間(s)


class RerankResult(BaseModel):
    Model class for rerank result.
    model: str  # 実際に使用したモデル
    docs: list[RerankDocument]  # Rerankされたセグメントリスト


class RerankDocument(BaseModel):
    Model class for rerank document.
    index: int  # 元の文書の順番
    text: str  # 文書のテキスト内容
    score: float  # スコア


def validate_provider_credentials(self, credentials: dict) -> None:
    Validate provider credentials
    You can choose any validate_credentials method of model type or implement validate method by yourself,
    such as: get model list api

    if validate failed, raise exception

    :param credentials: provider credentials, credentials form defined in `provider_credential_schema`.
  • credentials (object) Credential information

    The parameters of credential information are defined by the provider_credential_schema in the provider's YAML configuration file. Inputs such as api_key are included.

If verification fails, throw the errors.validate.CredentialsValidateFailedError error.


Models are divided into 5 different types, each inheriting from different base classes and requiring the implementation of different methods.

All models need to uniformly implement the following 2 methods:

  • Model Credential Verification

    Similar to provider credential verification, this step involves verification for an individual model.

    def validate_credentials(self, model: str, credentials: dict) -> None:
        Validate model credentials
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials


    • model (string) Model name

    • credentials (object) Credential information

      The parameters of credential information are defined by either the provider_credential_schema or model_credential_schema in the provider's YAML configuration file. Inputs such as api_key are included.

    If verification fails, throw the errors.validate.CredentialsValidateFailedError error.

  • Invocation Error Mapping Table

    When there is an exception in model invocation, it needs to be mapped to the InvokeError type specified by Runtime. This facilitates Dify's ability to handle different errors with appropriate follow-up actions.

    Runtime Errors:

    • InvokeConnectionError Invocation connection error

    • InvokeServerUnavailableError Invocation service provider unavailable

    • InvokeRateLimitError Invocation reached rate limit

    • InvokeAuthorizationError Invocation authorization failure

    • InvokeBadRequestError Invocation parameter error

    def _invoke_error_mapping(self) -> dict[type[InvokeError], list[type[Exception]]]:
        Map model invoke error to unified error
        The key is the error type thrown to the caller
        The value is the error type thrown by the model,
        which needs to be converted into a unified error type for the caller.
        :return: Invoke error mapping

​ You can refer to OpenAI's _invoke_error_mapping for an example.


Inherit the __base.large_language_model.LargeLanguageModel base class and implement the following interfaces:

  • LLM Invocation

    Implement the core method for LLM invocation, which can support both streaming and synchronous returns.

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage], model_parameters: dict,
                tools: Optional[list[PromptMessageTool]] = None, stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                stream: bool = True, user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> Union[LLMResult, Generator]:
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param prompt_messages: prompt messages
        :param model_parameters: model parameters
        :param tools: tools for tool calling
        :param stop: stop words
        :param stream: is stream response
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: full response or stream response chunk generator result
    • Parameters:

      • model (string) Model name

      • credentials (object) Credential information

        The parameters of credential information are defined by either the provider_credential_schema or model_credential_schema in the provider's YAML configuration file. Inputs such as api_key are included.

      • prompt_messages (array[PromptMessage]) List of prompts

        If the model is of the Completion type, the list only needs to include one UserPromptMessage element;

        If the model is of the Chat type, it requires a list of elements such as SystemPromptMessage, UserPromptMessage, AssistantPromptMessage, ToolPromptMessage depending on the message.

      • model_parameters (object) Model parameters

        The model parameters are defined by the parameter_rules in the model's YAML configuration.

      • tools (array[PromptMessageTool]) [optional] List of tools, equivalent to the function in function calling.

        That is, the tool list for tool calling.

      • stop (array[string]) [optional] Stop sequences

        The model output will stop before the string defined by the stop sequence.

      • stream (bool) Whether to output in a streaming manner, default is True

        Streaming output returns Generator[LLMResultChunk], non-streaming output returns LLMResult.

      • user (string) [optional] Unique identifier of the user

        This can help the provider monitor and detect abusive behavior.

    • Returns

      Streaming output returns Generator[LLMResultChunk], non-streaming output returns LLMResult.

  • Pre-calculating Input Tokens

    If the model does not provide a pre-calculated tokens interface, you can directly return 0.

    def get_num_tokens(self, model: str, credentials: dict, prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage],
                       tools: Optional[list[PromptMessageTool]] = None) -> int:
        Get number of tokens for given prompt messages
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param prompt_messages: prompt messages
        :param tools: tools for tool calling

    For parameter explanations, refer to the above section on LLM Invocation.

  • Fetch Custom Model Schema [Optional]

    def get_customizable_model_schema(self, model: str, credentials: dict) -> Optional[AIModelEntity]:
        Get customizable model schema
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :return: model schema

    When the provider supports adding custom LLMs, this method can be implemented to allow custom models to fetch model schema. The default return null.


Inherit the __base.text_embedding_model.TextEmbeddingModel base class and implement the following interfaces:

  • Embedding Invocation

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                texts: list[str], user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> TextEmbeddingResult:
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param texts: texts to embed
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: embeddings result
    • Parameters:

      • model (string) Model name

      • credentials (object) Credential information

        The parameters of credential information are defined by either the provider_credential_schema or model_credential_schema in the provider's YAML configuration file. Inputs such as api_key are included.

      • texts (array[string]) List of texts, capable of batch processing

      • user (string) [optional] Unique identifier of the user

        This can help the provider monitor and detect abusive behavior.

    • Returns:

      TextEmbeddingResult entity.

  • Pre-calculating Tokens

    def get_num_tokens(self, model: str, credentials: dict, texts: list[str]) -> int:
        Get number of tokens for given prompt messages
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param texts: texts to embed

    For parameter explanations, refer to the above section on Embedding Invocation.


Inherit the __base.rerank_model.RerankModel base class and implement the following interfaces:

  • Rerank Invocation

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                query: str, docs: list[str], score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, top_n: Optional[int] = None,
                user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> RerankResult:
        Invoke rerank model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param query: search query
        :param docs: docs for reranking
        :param score_threshold: score threshold
        :param top_n: top n
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: rerank result
    • Parameters:

      • model (string) Model name

      • credentials (object) Credential information

        The parameters of credential information are defined by either the provider_credential_schema or model_credential_schema in the provider's YAML configuration file. Inputs such as api_key are included.

      • query (string) Query request content

      • docs (array[string]) List of segments to be reranked

      • score_threshold (float) [optional] Score threshold

      • top_n (int) [optional] Select the top n segments

      • user (string) [optional] Unique identifier of the user

        This can help the provider monitor and detect abusive behavior.

    • Returns:

      RerankResult entity.


Inherit the __base.speech2text_model.Speech2TextModel base class and implement the following interfaces:

  • Invoke Invocation

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict, file: IO[bytes], user: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param file: audio file
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: text for given audio file
    • Parameters:

      • model (string) Model name

      • credentials (object) Credential information

        The parameters of credential information are defined by either the provider_credential_schema or model_credential_schema in the provider's YAML configuration file. Inputs such as api_key are included.

      • file (File) File stream

      • user (string) [optional] Unique identifier of the user

        This can help the provider monitor and detect abusive behavior.

    • Returns:

      The string after speech-to-text conversion.


Inherit the __base.text2speech_model.Text2SpeechModel base class and implement the following interfaces:

  • Invoke Invocation

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict, content_text: str, streaming: bool, user: Optional[str] = None):
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param content_text: text content to be translated
        :param streaming: output is streaming
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: translated audio file
    • Parameters:

      • model (string) Model name

      • credentials (object) Credential information

        The parameters of credential information are defined by either the provider_credential_schema or model_credential_schema in the provider's YAML configuration file. Inputs such as api_key are included.

      • content_text (string) The text content that needs to be converted

      • streaming (bool) Whether to stream output

      • user (string) [optional] Unique identifier of the user

        This can help the provider monitor and detect abusive behavior.

    • Returns:

      Text converted speech stream。


Inherit the __base.moderation_model.ModerationModel base class and implement the following interfaces:

  • Invoke Invocation

    def _invoke(self, model: str, credentials: dict,
                text: str, user: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> bool:
        Invoke large language model
        :param model: model name
        :param credentials: model credentials
        :param text: text to moderate
        :param user: unique user id
        :return: false if text is safe, true otherwise
    • Parameters:

      • model (string) Model name

      • credentials (object) Credential information

        The parameters of credential information are defined by either the provider_credential_schema or model_credential_schema in the provider's YAML configuration file. Inputs such as api_key are included.

      • text (string) Text content

      • user (string) [optional] Unique identifier of the user

        This can help the provider monitor and detect abusive behavior.

    • Returns:

      False indicates that the input text is safe, True indicates otherwise.



Message role

class PromptMessageRole(Enum):
    Enum class for prompt message.
    SYSTEM = "system"
    USER = "user"
    ASSISTANT = "assistant"
    TOOL = "tool"


Message content types, divided into text and image.

class PromptMessageContentType(Enum):
    Enum class for prompt message content type.
    TEXT = 'text'
    IMAGE = 'image'


Message content base class, used only for parameter declaration and cannot be initialized.

class PromptMessageContent(BaseModel):
    Model class for prompt message content.
    type: PromptMessageContentType
    data: str

Currently, two types are supported: text and image. It's possible to simultaneously input text and multiple images.

You need to initialize TextPromptMessageContent and ImagePromptMessageContent separately for input.


class TextPromptMessageContent(PromptMessageContent):
    Model class for text prompt message content.
    type: PromptMessageContentType = PromptMessageContentType.TEXT

If inputting a combination of text and images, the text needs to be constructed into this entity as part of the content list.


class ImagePromptMessageContent(PromptMessageContent):
    Model class for image prompt message content.
    class DETAIL(Enum):
        LOW = 'low'
        HIGH = 'high'

    type: PromptMessageContentType = PromptMessageContentType.IMAGE
    detail: DETAIL = DETAIL.LOW  # Resolution

If inputting a combination of text and images, the images need to be constructed into this entity as part of the content list.

data can be either a url or a base64 encoded string of the image.


The base class for all Role message bodies, used only for parameter declaration and cannot be initialized.

class PromptMessage(ABC, BaseModel):
    Model class for prompt message.
    role: PromptMessageRole
    content: Optional[str | list[PromptMessageContent]] = None  # Supports two types: string and content list. The content list is designed to meet the needs of multimodal inputs. For more details, see the PromptMessageContent explanation.
    name: Optional[str] = None


UserMessage message body, representing a user's message.

class UserPromptMessage(PromptMessage):
    Model class for user prompt message.
    role: PromptMessageRole = PromptMessageRole.USER


Represents a message returned by the model, typically used for few-shots or inputting chat history.

class AssistantPromptMessage(PromptMessage):
    Model class for assistant prompt message.
    class ToolCall(BaseModel):
        Model class for assistant prompt message tool call.
        class ToolCallFunction(BaseModel):
            Model class for assistant prompt message tool call function.
            name: str  # tool name
            arguments: str  # tool arguments

        id: str  # Tool ID, effective only in OpenAI tool calls. It's the unique ID for tool invocation and the same tool can be called multiple times.
        type: str  # default: function
        function: ToolCallFunction  # tool call information

    role: PromptMessageRole = PromptMessageRole.ASSISTANT
    tool_calls: list[ToolCall] = []  # The result of tool invocation in response from the model (returned only when tools are input and the model deems it necessary to invoke a tool).

Where tool_calls are the list of tool calls returned by the model after invoking the model with the tools input.


Represents system messages, usually used for setting system commands given to the model.

class SystemPromptMessage(PromptMessage):
    Model class for system prompt message.
    role: PromptMessageRole = PromptMessageRole.SYSTEM


Represents tool messages, used for conveying the results of a tool execution to the model for the next step of processing.

class ToolPromptMessage(PromptMessage):
    Model class for tool prompt message.
    role: PromptMessageRole = PromptMessageRole.TOOL
    tool_call_id: str  # Tool invocation ID. If OpenAI tool call is not supported, the name of the tool can also be inputted.

The base class's content takes in the results of tool execution.


class PromptMessageTool(BaseModel):
    Model class for prompt message tool.
    name: str
    description: str
    parameters: dict


class LLMResult(BaseModel):
    Model class for llm result.
    model: str  # Actual used modele
    prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage]  # prompt messages
    message: AssistantPromptMessage  # response message
    usage: LLMUsage  # usage info
    system_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None  # request fingerprint, refer to OpenAI definition


In streaming returns, each iteration contains the delta entity.

class LLMResultChunkDelta(BaseModel):
    Model class for llm result chunk delta.
    index: int
    message: AssistantPromptMessage  # response message
    usage: Optional[LLMUsage] = None  # usage info
    finish_reason: Optional[str] = None  # finish reason, only the last one returns


Each iteration entity in streaming returns.

class LLMResultChunk(BaseModel):
    Model class for llm result chunk.
    model: str  # Actual used modele
    prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage]  # prompt messages
    system_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None  # request fingerprint, refer to OpenAI definition
    delta: LLMResultChunkDelta


class LLMUsage(ModelUsage):
    Model class for LLM usage.
    prompt_tokens: int  # Tokens used for prompt
    prompt_unit_price: Decimal  # Unit price for prompt
    prompt_price_unit: Decimal  # Price unit for prompt, i.e., the unit price based on how many tokens
    prompt_price: Decimal  # Cost for prompt
    completion_tokens: int  # Tokens used for response
    completion_unit_price: Decimal  # Unit price for response
    completion_price_unit: Decimal  # Price unit for response, i.e., the unit price based on how many tokens
    completion_price: Decimal  # Cost for response
    total_tokens: int  # Total number of tokens used
    total_price: Decimal  # Total cost
    currency: str  # Currency unit
    latency: float  # Request latency (s)


class TextEmbeddingResult(BaseModel):
    Model class for text embedding result.
    model: str  # Actual model used
    embeddings: list[list[float]]  # List of embedding vectors, corresponding to the input texts list
    usage: EmbeddingUsage  # Usage information


class EmbeddingUsage(ModelUsage):
    Model class for embedding usage.
    tokens: int  # Number of tokens used
    total_tokens: int  # Total number of tokens used