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BTW, you need Python 3.12+ to develop the Plugin if you choose Python.
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identity:name:basic_agent# the name of the agent_strategyauthor:novice# the author of the agent_strategylabel:en_US:BasicAgent# the engilish label of the agent_strategydescription:en_US:BasicAgent# the english description of the agent_strategyparameters: - name:model# the name of the model parametertype:model-selector# model-typescope:tool-call&llm# the scope of the parameterrequired:truelabel:en_US:Modelzh_Hans:模型pt_BR:Model - name:tools# the name of the tools parametertype:array[tools]# the type of tool parameterrequired:truelabel:en_US:Tools listzh_Hans:工具列表pt_BR:Tools list - name:query# the name of the query parametertype:string# the type of query parameterrequired:truelabel:en_US:Queryzh_Hans:查询pt_BR:Query - name:maximum_iterationstype:numberrequired:falsedefault:5label:en_US:Maxium Iterationszh_Hans:最大迭代次数pt_BR:Maxium Iterationsmax:50# if you set the max and min value, the display of the parameter will be a slidermin:1extra:python:source:strategies/basic_agent.py