Setting Prompts

Master the use of Dify for orchestrating applications and practicing Prompt Engineering, and build high-value AI applications with the two built-in application types.

The core concept of Dify is the declarative definition of AI applications. Everything including Prompts, context, plugins, etc. can be described in a YAML file (which is why it is called Dify). It ultimately presents a single API or out-of-the-box WebApp.

At the same time, Dify provides an easy-to-use Prompt orchestration interface where developers can visually orchestrate various application features based on Prompts. Doesn't it sound simple?

For both simple and complex AI applications, good Prompts can effectively improve the quality of model output, reduce error rates, and meet the needs of specific scenarios. Dify currently provides two common application forms: conversational and text generator. This section will guide you through visually orchestrating AI applications.

Application Orchestration Steps

  1. Determine application scenarios and functional requirements

  2. Design and test Prompts and model parameters

  3. Orchestrate Prompts

  4. Publish the application

  5. Observe and continuously iterate

Hands-on Practice


The Differences between Application Types

Text generation and conversation applications in Dify have slight differences in prompt orchestration. Conversation applications require incorporating "conversation lifecycle" to meet more complex user scenarios and context management needs.

Prompt Engineering has developed into a field with tremendous potential, worthy of continuous exploration. Please continue reading to learn about the orchestration guidelines for both types of applications.

Extended Reading

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