Tool Plugin

Tool type plugins are external tools that can be referenced by Chatflow / Workflow / Agent application types to enhance the capabilities of Dify applications. For example, adding online search capabilities, image generation capabilities, etc. to an application. Tool Type Plugins provide a complete set of tools and API implementations.

In this article, a "Tool Plugin" refers to a complete project that includes the tool provider file, functional code, and other related components. A tool provider may encompass multiple Tools (which can be understood as additional functionalities offered by a single tool), structured as follows:

- Tool provider
    - Tool A
    - Tool B
Tool structure

This article uses GoogleSearch as an example of how to quickly develop a tool type of plugin.


  • Dify plugin scaffolding tool

  • Python, version ≥ 3.12

For detailed instructions on how to prepare scaffolding tools for plugin development, see Initializing Development Tools.

Create New Project

Run the CLI tool to create a new dify plugin project:

./dify-plugin-darwin-arm64 plugin init

If you have renamed the binary file to dify and copied it to the /usr/local/bin path, you can run the following command to create a new plugin project:

dify plugin init

In the following, the command-line tool dify is used. If issues occur, please replace the dify command with the appropriate path to your command-line tool.

Select plugin type and template

There are three types of plugins: tool, model and extension. All templates within SDK are provided with full code projects. The following part will use the Tool plugin template as an example.

If you are already familiar in plugin development, please refer to the Schema Definition to implement various types of plugins.

Plugins type

Configuring Plugin Permissions

The plugin also needs to read permissions from the Dify platform to connect properly. The following permissions need to be granted for the example tool plugin:

  • Tools

  • Apps

  • Enable persistent storage Storage, allocate default size storage

  • Allow registration of Endpoint

Use the arrow keys to select permissions within the terminal and the "Tab" button to grant permissions.

After checking all the permission items, tap Enter to complete the creation of the plug-in. The system will automatically generate the plug-in project code.

Plugins permissions

Developing Tools Plugins

1. Create the tool vendor yaml file

The tool vendor file can be understood as the base configuration entry point for a tool type plugin, and is used to provide the necessary authorization information to the tool. This section demonstrates how to fill out that yaml file.

Go to the /provider path and rename the yaml file in it to google.yaml. The yaml file will contain information about the tool vendor, including the provider name, icon, author, and other details. This information will be displayed when the plugin is installed.


  author: Your-name
  name: google
    en_US: Google
    zh_Hans: Google
    en_US: Google
    zh_Hans: Google
  icon: icon.svg
    - search
  • identity contains basic information about the tool provider, including author, name, label, description, icon, and more.

    • The icon needs to be an attachment resource, which needs to be placed in the _assets folder in the project root directory.

    • Tags help users quickly find plugins by category, here are all the tags currently supported.

    • class ToolLabelEnum(Enum):
        SEARCH = 'search'
        IMAGE = 'image'
        VIDEOS = 'videos'
        WEATHER = 'weather'
        FINANCE = 'finance'
        DESIGN = 'design'
        TRAVEL = 'travel'
        SOCIAL = 'social'
        NEWS = 'news'
        MEDICAL = 'medical'
        PRODUCTIVITY = 'productivity'
        EDUCATION = 'education'
        BUSINESS = 'business'
        ENTERTAINMENT = 'entertainment'
        UTILITIES = 'utilities'
        OTHER = 'other'

Make sure that the path to the file is in the /tools directory, the full path is below:

    - "google.yaml"

Where the google.yaml file needs to use its absolute path in the plugin project.

  • Completion of third-party service credentials

For ease of development, we have chosen to use the Google Search API provided by a third-party service, SerpApi. SerpApi requires an API Key in order to use it, so you need to add the credentials_for_provider field to the yaml file.

The full code is below:

  author: Dify
  name: google
    en_US: Google
    zh_Hans: Google
    pt_BR: Google
    en_US: Google
    zh_Hans: GoogleSearch
    pt_BR: Google
  icon: icon.svg
    - search
credentials_for_provider: #Add credentials_for_provider field
    type: secret-input
    required: true
      en_US: SerpApi API key
      zh_Hans: SerpApi API key
      en_US: Please input your SerpApi API key
      zh_Hans: 请输入你的 SerpApi API key
      en_US: Get your SerpApi API key from SerpApi
      zh_Hans: 从 SerpApi 获取您的 SerpApi API key
  - tools/google_search.yaml
  • where the credentials_for_provider sub-level structure needs to satisfy the ProviderConfig specification.

  • It is necessary to specify which tools are included in this provider. This example only includes a tools/google_search.yaml file.

  • For the provider, in addition to defining its basic information, you also need to implement some of its code logic, so you need to specify its implementation logic. In this example, the code file for the function is placed in, but instead of implementing it for the time being, you write the code for google_search first.

2. Fill out the tool yaml file

There can be multiple tools under a tool vendor, and each tool needs to be described by a yaml file, which contains basic information about the tool, its parameters, its output, and so on.

Still using the GoogleSearch tool as an example, you can create a new google_search.yaml file in the /tools folder.

  name: google_search
  author: Dify
    en_US: GoogleSearch
    zh_Hans: Google Search
    pt_BR: GoogleSearch
    en_US: A tool for performing a Google SERP search and extracting snippets and webpages.Input should be a search query.
    zh_Hans: A tool for performing Google SERP search and extracting snippets and webpages. Input should be a search query.
    pt_BR: A tool for performing a Google SERP search and extracting snippets and webpages.Input should be a search query.
  llm: A tool for performing a Google SERP search and extracting snippets and webpages.Input should be a search query.
  - name: query
    type: string
    required: true
      en_US: Query string
      zh_Hans: Query string
      pt_BR: Query string
      en_US: used for searching
      zh_Hans: used for searching webpage content
      pt_BR: used for searching
    llm_description: key words for searching
    form: llm
    source: tools/
  • identity contains the tool's basic information, including name, author, labels, description, etc.

  • parameters parameter list

    • name (required) parameter name, must be unique, cannot duplicate other parameter names

    • type (required) parameter type, currently supports five types: string, number, boolean, select, secret-input, corresponding to string, number, boolean, dropdown menu, and encrypted input field. For sensitive information, please use secret-input type

    • label (required) parameter label, used for frontend display

    • form (required) form type, currently supports two types: llm and form

      • In Agent applications, llm means the parameter is inferred by LLM, form means parameters that can be preset to use the tool

      • In workflow applications, both llm and form need to be filled in the frontend, but llm parameters will serve as input variables for tool nodes

    • required whether the field is required

      • In llm mode, if a parameter is required, the Agent must infer this parameter

      • In form mode, if a parameter is required, users must fill in this parameter in the frontend before starting the conversation

    • options parameter options

      • In llm mode, Dify will pass all options to LLM, which can make inferences based on these options

      • In form mode, when type is select, the frontend will display these options

    • default default value

    • min minimum value, can be set when parameter type is number

    • max maximum value, can be set when parameter type is number

    • human_description introduction displayed in frontend, supports multiple languages

    • placeholder prompt text for input fields, can be set when form type is form and parameter type is string, number, or secret-input, supports multiple languages

    • llm_description introduction passed to LLM. To help LLM better understand this parameter, please write as detailed information as possible about this parameter here so that LLM can understand it

3. Preparation of tool codes

After filling in the configuration information of the tool, you can start writing the functional code of the tool to realize the logical purpose of the tool. Create in the /tools directory with the following contents.

from import Generator
from typing import Any

import requests

from dify_plugin import Tool
from dify_plugin.entities.tool import ToolInvokeMessage


class GoogleSearchTool(Tool):
    def _parse_response(self, response: dict) -> dict:
        result = {}
        if "knowledge_graph" in response:
            result["title"] = response["knowledge_graph"].get("title", "")
            result["description"] = response["knowledge_graph"].get("description", "")
        if "organic_results" in response:
            result["organic_results"] = [
                    "title": item.get("title", ""),
                    "link": item.get("link", ""),
                    "snippet": item.get("snippet", ""),
                for item in response["organic_results"]
        return result

    def _invoke(self, tool_parameters: dict[str, Any]) -> Generator[ToolInvokeMessage]:
        params = {
            "api_key": self.runtime.credentials["serpapi_api_key"],
            "q": tool_parameters["query"],
            "engine": "google",
            "google_domain": "",
            "gl": "us",
            "hl": "en",

        response = requests.get(url=SERP_API_URL, params=params, timeout=5)
        valuable_res = self._parse_response(response.json())
        yield self.create_json_message(valuable_res)

In this example, we simply request the serpapi and use self.create_json_message to return a string of json formatted data. For more information on the types of data returned, you can refer to the tool documentation.

4. Completion of tool vendor codes

Finally, you need to create a vendor code implementation code that will be used to implement the vendor's credential validation logic. If the credential validation fails, the ToolProviderCredentialValidationError exception will be thrown. After successful validation, the google_search tool service will be requested correctly.

Create a file in the /provider directory with the following code:

from typing import Any

from dify_plugin import ToolProvider
from dify_plugin.errors.tool import ToolProviderCredentialValidationError
from tools.google_search import GoogleSearchTool

class GoogleProvider(ToolProvider):
    def _validate_credentials(self, credentials: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
            for _ in GoogleSearchTool.from_credentials(credentials).invoke(
                tool_parameters={"query": "test", "result_type": "link"},
        except Exception as e:
            raise ToolProviderCredentialValidationError(str(e))

Debugging Plugins

Dify provides remote debugging method, go to "Plugin Management" page to get the debugging key and remote server address.

Go back to the plugin project, copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env. Fill it with the remote server address and debugging key.

The .env file:


Run the python -m main command to launch the plugin. You can see on the plugin page that the plugin has been installed into Workspace. Other team members can also access the plugin.

Packing Plugin

After confirming that the plugin works properly, you can package and name the plugin with the following command line tool. After running it you can find the google.difypkg file in the current folder, which is the final plugin package.

dify plugin package ./google

Congratulations, you have completed the complete development, debugging and packaging process of a tool type plugin!

Publishing Plugins

You can now publish your plugin by uploading it to the Dify Plugins code repository! Before uploading, make sure your plugin follows the plugin release guide. Once approved, the code will be merged into the master branch and automatically live in the Dify Marketplace.

Exploring More

Quick Start:

Plugins Specification Definition Documentaiton:

Last updated