

The code node supports the execution of Python / NodeJS code to perform data transformations within workflows. It simplifies your workflows, suitable for Arithmetic, JSON transform, text processing, and more scenarios.

This node significantly enhances developers' flexibility, allowing them to embed custom Python or Javascript scripts in their workflows and manipulate variables in ways that preset nodes cannot achieve. Through configuration options, you can specify the required input and output variables and write the corresponding execution code:


If you need to use variables from other nodes within the code node, you need to define the variable names in input variables and reference these variables, see Variable Reference for details.

Use Cases

With the code node, you can perform the following common operations:

Structured Data Processing

In workflows, it's often necessary to deal with unstructured data processing, such as parsing, extracting, and transforming JSON strings. A typical example is data processing in the HTTP node, where data might be nested within multiple layers of JSON objects, and we need to extract certain fields. The code node can help you accomplish these tasks. Here's a simple example that extracts the field from a JSON string returned by an HTTP node:

def main(http_response: str) -> str:
    import json
    data = json.loads(http_response)
    return {
        # do not forget to declare 'result' in the output variables
        'result': data['data']['name']

Mathematical Calculations

When complex mathematical calculations are needed in workflows, the code node can also be used. For example, to calculate a complex mathematical formula or perform some statistical analysis on the data. Here is a simple example that calculates the variance of a list:

def main(x: list) -> float:
    return {
        # do not forget to declare 'result' in the output variables
        'result': sum([(i - sum(x) / len(x)) ** 2 for i in x]) / len(x)

Data Concatenation

Sometimes, you may need to concatenate multiple data sources, such as multiple knowledge retrievals, data searches, API calls, etc. The code node can help you integrate these data sources. Here's a simple example that merges data from two knowledge bases:

def main(knowledge1: list, knowledge2: list) -> list:
    return {
        # do not forget to declare 'result' in the output variables
        'result': knowledge1 + knowledge2

Local Deployment

If you are a user deploying locally, you need to start a sandbox service, which ensures that malicious code is not executed. Also, launching this service requires Docker, and you can find specific information about the Sandbox service here. You can also directly start the service using docker-compose

docker-compose -f docker-compose.middleware.yaml up -d

Security Policy

The execution environment is sandboxed for both Python and Javascript, meaning that certain functionalities that require extensive system resources or pose security risks are not available. This includes, but is not limited to, direct file system access, network calls, and operating system-level commands.

Last updated